Postal Address: P O Box 348 – Knysna – 6570
Street Address: 21 Uil Street, Industria, Knysna, 6571
Phone: 083 383 0120
Fax: 044 3821638
Customer Care, Sales & General Enquiries: sales@metallicmermaid.co.za
Head Office & Warehouse trading hours :
08h30 – 16h30 Monday to Thursday
08h30 – 14h00 Friday
Closed weekends & public holidays
Customers are advised that wholesale orders typically require a 24 - 48 hour processing time (within the above trading hours).
Visitors to the Warehouse wishing to purchase wholesale are advised to call ahead and should allow for +- 2 hour’s shopping time, which includes packing, weighing and invoicing, depending on the size of the order and to take note that we do not have credit card facilities.
Retail Customers
Whilst this Website is designed with our Wholesale Customers in mind, Retail Customers may browse & shop at our 6 Metallic Mermaid Retail Outlets located at:
Garden Route Mall, George - Phone 044 887 0266
Knysna Quays – Phone 044 382 3910
Knysna Mall – Phone 044 382 2710
Market Square Shopping Centre, Plettenberg Bay – Phone 044 533 4779
Langeberg Mall, Mossel Bay – Phone 044 695 2834